Finally after weeks of what seemed like non stop rain and strong winds we are now enjoying a spell of dry if cold (but it is winter after all) weather.
Trying to resist the temptation to start sowing seeds and preparing the ground for this years growing season I have been busying myself with tidying up the wildlife pond.
It may seem like the 'wrong' time of year to be doing so but by taking it slowly, not removing too much weed from the pond in one go and leaving the weed that has been removed in piles on the side of the pond - to allow any creatures to find their way back in, there hasn't been too much disturbance.
February is the month for frogs to spawn but we tend to get toads rather than frogs visit our pond and they spawn a little later in the year, so by clearing the pond now means we don't need to disturb it again. In a few weeks time I'll replant the bog garden alongside the pond. By the time the young toads are ready to leave the water the plants will have grown big enough to provide cover and the iris tall enough for the dragonfly nymphs to emerge and dry out on their stems.
Trying to resist the temptation to start sowing seeds and preparing the ground for this years growing season I have been busying myself with tidying up the wildlife pond.
It may seem like the 'wrong' time of year to be doing so but by taking it slowly, not removing too much weed from the pond in one go and leaving the weed that has been removed in piles on the side of the pond - to allow any creatures to find their way back in, there hasn't been too much disturbance.
February is the month for frogs to spawn but we tend to get toads rather than frogs visit our pond and they spawn a little later in the year, so by clearing the pond now means we don't need to disturb it again. In a few weeks time I'll replant the bog garden alongside the pond. By the time the young toads are ready to leave the water the plants will have grown big enough to provide cover and the iris tall enough for the dragonfly nymphs to emerge and dry out on their stems.