The Partridge Welsummer has been a long time favourite breed of mine. The hens are very pretty, in an understated way with beautiful markings. They lay the most attractive, large, deep terracotta colour eggs. The hens will sometimes go broody but don't always make the best of mothers.
This breed will be happy in most situations but like all hens appreciate the freedom to scratch about and forage.
This breed will be happy in most situations but like all hens appreciate the freedom to scratch about and forage.
The chicks sex can be identified on hatching by their markings ( more details here ) or if you are a little unsure they certainly can by 3 weeks or so once the breast feathers start to come through. The male chicks will have specks of black amongst the otherwise rich brown feathers
The pullets will come into lay approx. 24+ weeks of age.
The cockerel is familiar to all as the 'Kellogs Cornflakes' rooster.
Find more information on the Welsummer breed on the Welsummer Club UK site