Now I have broken up the breeding pens it's time to take stock.Sell any surplus young stock from this season, assess the birds I have in mind as replacements for the breeding pens next year and sell on some of the older birds from this seasons pens.
I really prefer to take the birds through the winter and assess them in early Spring but with the possibility of having to house the birds again this Winter I'm aware I need to keep my numbers down.
I have sold some of my Exchequer Leghorn hens and have a nice looking group ready to replace them.My next job is to sort through my Welsummer flock to make room for their replacements. Although in moult I'm happy to sell the Leghorns as I know they will come back into lay before too long.I'm more hesitant selling the Welsummer as once they've stopped laying that tends to be it until the following year. I'll see.
I may also sell on the 12+ month old layers earlier than usual as the new pullets have already started to lay and between them and my pure breed pullets I may have enough eggs to meet orders throughout the Winter months.
If you are interested in buying either this years young stock or some of my older birds who still have plenty of laying life ahead of them, please contact me.
I really prefer to take the birds through the winter and assess them in early Spring but with the possibility of having to house the birds again this Winter I'm aware I need to keep my numbers down.
I have sold some of my Exchequer Leghorn hens and have a nice looking group ready to replace them.My next job is to sort through my Welsummer flock to make room for their replacements. Although in moult I'm happy to sell the Leghorns as I know they will come back into lay before too long.I'm more hesitant selling the Welsummer as once they've stopped laying that tends to be it until the following year. I'll see.
I may also sell on the 12+ month old layers earlier than usual as the new pullets have already started to lay and between them and my pure breed pullets I may have enough eggs to meet orders throughout the Winter months.
If you are interested in buying either this years young stock or some of my older birds who still have plenty of laying life ahead of them, please contact me.