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The Light Sussex is one of the old traditional breeds. It was bred originally as a table bird but it is also a good, reliable layer and so became a popular dual purpose bird. Their striking black and white plumage along with their calm, docile, friendly nature and robustness makes them an ideal breed for the first time poultry keeper and families with children . As they carry the silver gene they are often used amongst breeders to produce sex linked chicks.

The chicks of the Light Sussex are the iconic fluffy yellow ' Easter chick'
Very strong and fast growing, they are confident and happy to be handled
Very strong and fast growing, they are confident and happy to be handled

The pullets will come into lay at approximately 20 weeks of age, laying pale cream eggs, sometimes speckled with pink spots. They are good layers and will often lay over winter when many traditional breed birds will take a break.
The hens are quite large, very docile, calm and friendly.
The hens are quite large, very docile, calm and friendly.

The cockerel with it's black and white plumage is quite striking. Most are well behaved to humans and are attentive to the hens.
When crossed with other breeds they produce good size birds for the table.
When crossed with other breeds they produce good size birds for the table.