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Goldtops are an old, all time favourite of the poultry keeper as a broody.They make the most excellent sitter and mother hen, for this reason they are poor layers.
They are from a Gold Silkie cockerel ( white Silkies also carry the gold gene) and Light Sussex hen mating.
The chicks are sex linked. On hatching the male chicks are white and the female buff in colour.
They are friendly birds and if handled often can become quite tame.
Goldtops are an old, all time favourite of the poultry keeper as a broody.They make the most excellent sitter and mother hen, for this reason they are poor layers.
They are from a Gold Silkie cockerel ( white Silkies also carry the gold gene) and Light Sussex hen mating.
The chicks are sex linked. On hatching the male chicks are white and the female buff in colour.
They are friendly birds and if handled often can become quite tame.